
Scenario 1:
I would like to get all Nodes that do not have a relationship to another node. 
What is the best way to do this Gremlin?

Root => NodeA => NodeB
Root => NodeC

Output should be NodeC

Scenario 2:
Root = > User -> Centre

I would like to get all centres for userA, and then get all users who are also 
linked to the same centres of the userA

Scenario 3:
User => Centre
I would like to get all users that do not have a link to a Centre, and if this 
is the case, do a projection that returns a fake centre with property "Unknown"

Scenario 4:


I would like to combine a query that gets all
Referrals that are linked to a person and project a table result (contains 
referrals and person property values (this is easy to do)
However, I then want to do a SPLIT query, that gets referrals without the 
persons, and then MERGE both back into the table projection? So table projecton 
might look like this.
I guess this is done with .table().it{}....cap, but what I am not sure, is how 
to do a split and merge in parallel and then get that merge projected into the 
same table.

ReferralId, Name
1, Bob
2, Jill
3, null
4, null

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