
I am thinking of using this statement.
g.V.ifThenElse{it.out('hasCentre').filter{it == aCentre}.hasNext()}{}{println 
"${it} has center unknown"}

to get nodes that DO NOT have a relationship, is this the best way to do it? I 
guess so, if this is the case, I am now adding support to the .NET graph client 
to support ifThenElse expressions. I am wondering though, as I am designing the 
interface for it, can and ifThenElse have nested ifThenElse expressions as 
well? I guess "it" and _() can be used within them?


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Marko Rodriguez
Sent: Saturday, 3 December 2011 4:10 AM
To: Neo4j user discussions
Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Gremlin Query - Help


> Scenario 1:
> I would like to get all Nodes that do not have a relationship to another 
> node. What is the best way to do this Gremlin?
> Root => NodeA => NodeB
> Root => NodeC
> Output should be NodeC

        I don't understand the problem.

> Scenario 2:
> Root = > User -> Centre
> I would like to get all centres for userA, and then get all users who 
> are also linked to the same centres of the userA


> Scenario 3:
> User => Centre
> I would like to get all users that do not have a link to a Centre, and if 
> this is the case, do a projection that returns a fake centre with property 
> "Unknown"

        g.V.ifThenElse{it.out('hasCentre').filter{it == 
aCentre}.hasNext()}{}{println "${it} has center unknown"}

If you have an index of your Users, then its more efficient to hit that index, 
then iterate through all vertices (g.V). E.g.


> Scenario 4:
> I would like to combine a query that gets all Referrals that are 
> linked to a person and project a table result (contains referrals and 
> person property values (this is easy to do) However, I then want to do a 
> SPLIT query, that gets referrals without the persons, and then MERGE both 
> back into the table projection? So table projecton might look like this.
> I guess this is done with .table().it{}....cap, but what I am not sure, is 
> how to do a split and merge in parallel and then get that merge projected 
> into the same table.

I don't quite understand your problem, but here is an example of splitting and 


This will get all the people that v[1] knows and then generate two parallel 
pipeline. Each friend of v[1] is copied to each of the 2 parallel pipelines. 
One pipeline will get their friend's names and one will get their created 
project's names. It will then merge those two parallel pipelines into a single 
stream. You can do either fairMerge or exhaustMerge depending on the merging 
algorithm you want. fairMerge is more memory efficient. I need to write more 
about split/merge in the Gremlin documentation. <-- will 
work on it :)


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