
after reading the docs and looking at the examples, I give up trying to 
find a solution for myself. The problem is the following: How are 
@RelationshipEntity classes persistet? I have the same stucture as in 
the Movies Example: the classes Actor -- Role --> Movie. When adding a 
new Role to an Actor and saving the Actor Entity using the 
ActorRepository, the new edges are not persisted in the database. Do I 
have to persist the Role Entities manually? If yes, what Repository 
shall I use for that?

this is part of my "Actor" class

     private Long id;

     // 1:n relation
     Collection<TMS_Rel> OpTmRs;
    // 1:1 relation to store the "latest" link ... this works and the 
ede is persistet
     private TMS OpTmRs_Latest;

this is part of my "Role" class

     Long id;

     WTUR wturInstance;
     TMS tmsInstance;

     long timestamp;

and finally this is the other end of the edge, my "Movie" class

     private Long id;

     @RelatedTo(type = "TMS_REL", direction = INCOMING)
     Set<WTUR> wturs;

     @RelatedToVia(type = "TMS_REL", direction = INCOMING)
     Iterable<TMS_Rel> tmsRels;

So, all single edges work perfectly, but the sets don't. Hope someone 
can help me out with that

Greetings, Martin
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