Ah-ha. That's clicked now. Especially as I read the comments and see it
already says exactly this.

And I understand that you just compute extra eigenvectors then throw out
near-duplicates, or those that are too un-eigenvector -- are there good
pointers on the alternatives for that, or are alternatives impractical? I
understand it's possible to re-figure the vectors it produces at each
iteration to be orthogonal, but don't know whether that's considered

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 3:21 PM, Jake Mannix <jake.man...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  2) you rewrite the double summation involved in the definition of
> (A'A)v to notice that it can be done in one pass over A:
>    (A'A)v = vectorSum_i(a_i' (a_i * v))

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