On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 3:06 AM, Koobas <koo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you very much.
> The pointer to Myrrix is a very useful piece of information.
> Myrrix, however, relies on an iterative sparse matrix factorization to do
> PCA.
> I want to produce Amazon-like recommendations.
> I.e., "70% of users who bough this, also bought that."

You can always quote figures like that no matter how you got the
recommendation but it is usually very bad to simply use such coocurrence
statistics directly to form recommendations since they are seriously
affected by accidental coincidence.

> So, I specifically want the direct kNN algorithm.
> Any clue what Mahout + Hadoop can deliver on that one?

Yes. Mahout can do this.

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