On 03/12/12 04:06, Koobas wrote:
Thank you very much.
The pointer to Myrrix is a very useful piece of information.
Myrrix, however, relies on an iterative sparse matrix factorization to do
I want to produce Amazon-like recommendations.
I.e., "70% of users who bough this, also bought that."
So, I specifically want the direct kNN algorithm.
Any clue what Mahout + Hadoop can deliver on that one?

While the "70% of users bought also ... " could be generated by a
suitable recommendation engine, I think it fits better with a frequent
pattern mining approach i.e. Association Rules. I don't know if Amazon
implements it that way, but it seems likely, since it's not really a
personalized recommendation (unless we interpret the personalization as
coming from the pages the user is visiting, i.e. real-time profile

I believe Mahout has a frequent itemset mining algorithm (FPGrowth),
though I've never tried it myself. For your problem, you would select
the minimum support for your itemsets (this would eliminate spurious
associations), and the confidence obtained would be directly your 70% value.

Although your formulation selects only the rules with 1 item in the
antecedent, i.e. item1 -> item2, you could use the items visited before
to build bigger antecedents.



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