I am very new to Mahout and currently just ready up to chapter 5 of 'MIA'
but after reading about the various User centric and Item centric
recommenders they all seem to still need a userId so still unsure if Mahout
can help with a fairly common recommendation.

My requirement is to produce 'n' item recommendations based on a chosen

E.g. "if I've added item #1 to my order then based on all the
other items; in all the other orders for this site, what are the
likely items that I may also want add to my order based; on the item to
item relationship in the history of orders of this site?"

Most probably using the most popular relationship between the item I have
chosen and all the items in all the other orders.

My data is not 'user' specific; and I don't think it should be, but more
like order specific as its the pattern of items in each order that should
determine the recommendation.

I have no preference values so merely boolean preferences will be used.

If Mahout can perform these calculations then how must I present the data?

Will I need to shape the data in some way to feed into Mahout (currently
versed in using Hadoop via Aws Emr using Java)

Thanks for the advice in advance,


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