I would also be fine with keeping if there is demand. I just proposed to
deprecate it and nobody voted against that at that point in time.


On 02.08.2013 03:12, Dmitriy Lyubimov wrote:
> There's a part of Nathan Halko's dissertation referenced on algorithm page
> running comparison.  In particular, he was not able to compute more than 40
> eigenvectors with Lanczos on wikipedia dataset. You may refer to that
> study.
> On the accuracy part, it was not observed that it was a problem, assuming
> high level of random noise is not the case, at least not in LSA-like
> application used there.
> That said, i am all for diversity of tools, I would actually be +0 on
> deprecating Lanczos, it is not like we are lacking support for it. SSVD
> could use improvements too.
> On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 3:15 AM, Fernando Fernández <
> fernando.fernandez.gonza...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Sorry if I duplicate the question but I've been looking for an answer and I
>> haven't found an explanation other than it's not being used (together with
>> some other algorithms). If it's been discussed in depth before maybe you
>> can point me to some link with the discussion.
>> I have successfully used Lanczos in several projects and it's been a
>> surprise to me finding that the main reason (according to what I've read
>> that might not be the full story) is that it's not being used. At the
>> begining I supposed it was because SSVD is supposed to be much faster with
>> similar results, but after making some tests I have found that running
>> times are similar or even worse than lanczos for some configurations (I
>> have tried several combinations of parameters, given child processes enough
>> memory, etc. and had no success in running SSVD at least in 3/4 of time
>> Lanczos runs, thouh they might be some combinations of parameters I have
>> still not tried). It seems to be quite tricky to find a good combination of
>> parameters for SSVD and I have seen also a precision loss in some examples
>> that makes me not confident in migrating Lanczos to SSVD from now on (How
>> far can I trust results from a combination of parameters that runs in
>> significant less time, or at least a good time?).
>> Can someone convince me that SSVD is actually a better option than Lanczos?
>> (I'm totally willing to be convinced... :) )
>> Thank you very much in advance.
>> Fernando.

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