Il 10/01/2014 09:12, abhishek kumar ha scritto:
Hi ,

I'm new to apache mahout. I'm working in topic modelling (particularly
LDA), I have learnt that Mahout has various modules for machine learning
and topic modelling.I want to use it's capabilities in browsing to
recommend sites (or predownload desired webpages based on topics of url's).

I don't have idea how it can be incorporated or attached to any
browser.Please help me in this project also if you have any suggestions it
will be helpful.


Could you pls be more specific?
What is your final purpose? Do you have any use case?

Piero Giacomelli, Italia
phone:+39 34 71 02 42 95
skype: pgiacome
my books
Apache Mahout Cookbook <>
HornetQ Messaging Developer's Guide <HornetQ%20Messaging%20Developer%27s%20Guide>

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