that's a bit weird though. Association mining is still a pretty popular
technique. (our scientists use it, albeit not in exact FPGrowth form)

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 3:15 PM, Sebastian Schelter <> wrote:

> Hi Yoonmin,
> we removed a bunch of algorithms either because they were rarely used or
> not actively maintained anymore. IIRC the first thing was true for PFG.
> --sebastian
> On 01/20/2014 03:42 AM, Yoonmin Nam wrote:
>> Hello, everyone!
>> Is there anyone know about the reason why PFG is deprecated in Mahout?
>> I knew that new algorithm (BIGFIM) will be implemented as a substitution
>> of
>> old PFG algorithm for parallel frequent pattern mining.
>> Please let me know if you knew the reason.
>> Thanks!

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