Hi all,
I am new to mahout, it has been a couple of days now since I started
working with it and I've found it very very powerful.

I noticed, however, a general lack of documentation. I am working just with
the recommender system features and, correct me if I am wrong, I can't find
anywhere some complete documentation about. All I can find in the official
website is some quick-start tutorials.

Knowing the theory about recommender systems, I expect a few very simple
documentation pages which tell me something like:

- The algorithms implemented are: 1) user-based, 2) item-based, 3)
- To use 1) in your code, follow these steps:
  - choose a user similarity measures (available measures: 1) Pearson
Correlation 2) Cosine similarity 3) ..... 4).......)
  - choose a neighbors selection techniques (available techniques 1)
threshold 2) fixed number 3).... 4)....)
 - compute the neighbors using the following
 UserNeighborhood neighborhood = new ThresholdUserNeighborhood(0.1,
similarity, dm);.......

and so on until all the options available are covered.

I didn't find anything like that, for example at the moment I am trying to
figure out how to compute a prediction (user-based algorithm), e.g. predict
the rating for user x movie y but I didn't find anything about that.

Forgive me if there is something I am missing, I just want to focus on the
right content to learn about mahout, any suggestion is welcome.



Eugenio Tacchini

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