Hi Othman,

ManifoldCF aborts a job if there's an error that looks like it might go
away on retry, but does not.  It can be either on the repository side or on
the output side.  If you look at the Simple History in the UI, or at the
manifoldcf.log file, you should be able to get a better sense of what went
wrong.  Without further information, I can't say any more.


On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 5:33 AM, Beelz Ryuzaki <i93oth...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm Othman Belhaj, a software engineer from société générale in France.
> I'm actually using your recent version of manifoldCF 2.8 . I'm working on
> an internal search engine. For this reason, I'm using manifoldcf in order
> to index documents on windows shares. I encountered a serious problem while
> crawling 35K documents. Most of the time, when manifoldcf start crawling a
> big sized documents (19Mo for example), it ends the job with the following
> error: repeated service interruptions - failure processing document :
> software caused connection abort: socket write error.
> Can you give me some tips on how to solve this problem, please ?
> I use PostgreSQL 9.3.x and elasticsearch 2.1.0 .
> I'm looking forward for your response.
> Best regards,
> Othman BELHAJ

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