Hi Steph,

Zookeeper is a coordination service for distributed systems. Having a
quorum means that more than half of the number of nodes are up and running.
This is for protection of brain splitting issue. Zookeeper is a distributed
system and it may be down at any time.

Brain splitting can be explained like that: assume that there are 4 nodes
of Zookeeper. 2 of them can interact with each other but cannot with other
two and vice versa. Some of MFC nodes are connected to 2 of them and some
of them other. For a quorum we need 4 / 2 + 1 = 3. There could be a problem
for MFC nodes if it was 2 (like a split of brain). Formula is calculated
like that since there can be only one subset of any set which has a size of
greater than half at any time.

Kind Regards,

On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 9:24 PM, Karl Wright <daddy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Steph,
> You can configure your zookeeper however you like; there is a sample
> configuration file included with MCF that works out of the box.  But yes,
> we do recommend a quorum count of 3 or more.
> Karl
> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 2:19 PM, Steph van Schalkwyk <st...@remcam.net>
> wrote:
>> Karl,
>> Is there a requirement for the number of ZK for MCF? I've used ZK with
>> SOLR, and the minimum quorum count is 3.
>> Thanks
>> Steph

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