Hi Shashank,

This question has come up recently from another source as well, and there
was a ticket and a fix committed.  I believe it went out in 2.10.

The problem is that the *exported* JSON is not in the proper form and so
order does not get preserved when it is re-imported.  The fix changes the
exported form to the less-appealing-but-order-preserving equivalent.


On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 3:01 AM Shashank Raj <shashank.raj2...@gmail.com>

> Hi Karl,
>            We have been trying to modify the present job through API. For
> this we are first calling API/JSON/jobs/jobid to get the JSON format and
> then appending an excluded file in the repository column of the job. But by
> priority the included files show up first causing exclusion not to occur
> since first inclusion is "all files". How do I make it possible to exclude
> a given file first in priority? We are doing this by sending a put request
> using the same API.
> Also we need to know what does "_value_" stand for in this exclude JSON
> object.
> Thanks.

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