Hi Karl,
           We checked the JSON being formed in the version 2.10 but could
not find any change. The order is still not preserved. What other
workaround can you suggest for this. We also tried the method  "msaunier"
had sent and that did not work out either.


On Wed 30 May, 2018, 1:09 PM Karl Wright, <daddy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Shashank,
> This question has come up recently from another source as well, and there
> was a ticket and a fix committed.  I believe it went out in 2.10.
> The problem is that the *exported* JSON is not in the proper form and so
> order does not get preserved when it is re-imported.  The fix changes the
> exported form to the less-appealing-but-order-preserving equivalent.
> Thanks,
> Karl
> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 3:01 AM Shashank Raj <shashank.raj2...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Karl,
>>            We have been trying to modify the present job through API. For
>> this we are first calling API/JSON/jobs/jobid to get the JSON format and
>> then appending an excluded file in the repository column of the job. But by
>> priority the included files show up first causing exclusion not to occur
>> since first inclusion is "all files". How do I make it possible to exclude
>> a given file first in priority? We are doing this by sending a put request
>> using the same API.
>> Also we need to know what does "_value_" stand for in this exclude JSON
>> object.
>> Thanks.

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