Hello Ankur,

For a webapp (or long running service), you should use marathon ^_^

Software Architect @Viadeo

30 rue de la Victoire -75009 Paris - France

2013/12/27 Ankur Chauhan <an...@malloc64.com>

> Hi all,
> I just got started on mesos and I am trying to port a netty based webapp
> to use a mesos as a framework. I wrote a Executor and a Scheduler. But I am
> not quite sure as to how to go about getting everything to work together.
> I can't really find an example that is an end-to-end use case. By that I
> mean, I would like to know how to put the scheduler and the executor in the
> correct places. Right now I have a single jar with can be run from the
> command line: java -jar target/collector.jar and that would take care of
> everything.
> My current train of thought is that the webapp jar would stay somewhere on
> an S3 url and the "CollectorScheduler" would "somehow" tell a mesos slave
> to run the "CollectorExecutor" which in turn fetch the jar from S3 and run
> it.
> I can't seem to figure out how this whole thing happens and the
> documentation doesn't really tell how to do it either. So, far I have a
> script that can create the jar with the business logic, the scheduler and
> executor classes followed by upload it to a S3 bucket.
> Can someone point me in the right direction to figure out how to deploy
> java executors with schedulers properly.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> -- Ankur

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