Hi All,

With #MesosCon <http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/mesoscon> coming
up in August, and tremendous growth of adopters on our #PoweredByMesos
@ 30 companies!), I'd love to do a community survey to take the pulse
of the community. A summary version of all results would be made available
once the survey was completed.

I've drafted a survey that is 11 questions long, and will take a few
minutes to complete. Survey questions are pasted below. Matt Trifiro gave
some input on this idea a few months back, and I'd love to have more eyes
on it. Please respond to this thread with any suggestions, and if we have
consensus then I'll go ahead and #shipit.




1. What’s your name

2. What’s your affiliation (company or organization)

3. How long have you been using Mesos?

  not using it, just curious [if this is chosen, taken to last page of

  0-2 weeks

  2-8 weeks

  2-6 mo

  6+ mo

-- page break --

4. How many machines are you running in your Mesos cluster? (dropdown)






 Cannot share this info

5. Which Mesos frameworks are you using? (radio buttons for each option,
‘no’, ‘intend to try out', 'trying it out', 'production')

[ ] Aurora

[ ] Cassandra

[ ] Chronos

[ ] Hadoop

[ ] Jenkins

[ ] JobServer

[ ] Marathon

[ ] Spark

[ ] Storm

[ ] Other

6. Where do you run Mesos?

[ ] Private

[ ] EC2

[ ] Rackspace

[ ] Other: ____

7. How likely are you to recommend Mesos to your friends and colleagues?

[scale, 1-10 (for determining net promoter score)]

---- page break ----

8. What features do you think are missing from Mesos?

9. Are you interested in contributing in any of the following ways:

__ documentation

__ organizing local meetups

__ sponsoring a Mesos-related event

__ patches to the core

__ building and open sourcing custom frameworks for Mesos

10. Email address

11. Is your company listed on our #PoweredByMesos page? If not, can we list

[ ] Yes, we’re on the list!

[ ] No, please add us

[ ] No, but please refrain for adding us at this time

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