Great point. I've made sure to include "Other / Custom Framework" in the
framework question.

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Tom Arnfeld <> wrote:

> I’d be quite interested in asking if people are running their own in-house
> built frameworks. I’m actually quite curious to know if people are just
> using Mesos mainly as a way of getting access to Hadoop+{insert data
> platform here} at the moment…
> On 1 May 2014, at 21:00, Dave Lester <> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> >
> > With #MesosCon <>
> coming
> > up in August, and tremendous growth of adopters on our #PoweredByMesos
> > list<>(now
> > @ 30 companies!), I'd love to do a community survey to take the pulse
> > of the community. A summary version of all results would be made
> available
> > once the survey was completed.
> >
> >
> > I've drafted a survey that is 11 questions long, and will take a few
> > minutes to complete. Survey questions are pasted below. Matt Trifiro gave
> > some input on this idea a few months back, and I'd love to have more eyes
> > on it. Please respond to this thread with any suggestions, and if we have
> > consensus then I'll go ahead and #shipit.
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Dave
> >
> >
> > ____
> >
> > 1. What’s your name
> >
> > 2. What’s your affiliation (company or organization)
> >
> > 3. How long have you been using Mesos?
> >
> >  not using it, just curious [if this is chosen, taken to last page of
> > survey]
> >
> >  0-2 weeks
> >
> >  2-8 weeks
> >
> >  2-6 mo
> >
> >  6+ mo
> >
> > -- page break --
> >
> > 4. How many machines are you running in your Mesos cluster? (dropdown)
> >
> > 1
> >
> > 2-5
> >
> > 6-20
> >
> > 21-100
> >
> > 101+
> >
> > Cannot share this info
> >
> > 5. Which Mesos frameworks are you using? (radio buttons for each option,
> > ‘no’, ‘intend to try out', 'trying it out', 'production')
> >
> > [ ] Aurora
> >
> > [ ] Cassandra
> >
> > [ ] Chronos
> >
> > [ ] Hadoop
> >
> > [ ] Jenkins
> >
> > [ ] JobServer
> >
> > [ ] Marathon
> >
> > [ ] Spark
> >
> > [ ] Storm
> >
> > [ ] Other
> >
> > 6. Where do you run Mesos?
> >
> > [ ] Private
> >
> > [ ] EC2
> >
> > [ ] Rackspace
> >
> > [ ] Other: ____
> >
> > 7. How likely are you to recommend Mesos to your friends and colleagues?
> >
> > [scale, 1-10 (for determining net promoter score)]
> >
> >
> > ---- page break ----
> >
> > 8. What features do you think are missing from Mesos?
> >
> > 9. Are you interested in contributing in any of the following ways:
> >
> > __ documentation
> >
> > __ organizing local meetups
> >
> > __ sponsoring a Mesos-related event
> >
> > __ patches to the core
> >
> > __ building and open sourcing custom frameworks for Mesos
> >
> >
> > 10. Email address
> >
> > 11. Is your company listed on our #PoweredByMesos page? If not, can we
> list
> > you?
> >
> > [ ] Yes, we’re on the list!
> >
> > [ ] No, please add us
> >
> > [ ] No, but please refrain for adding us at this time

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