Hope this helps some
It doesn't as it doesn't even try to answer my question. Let me re- phrase
it: what does mesos on the coreos cluster do that coreos itself doesn't do

On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 10:00 AM, Jason Giedymin <jason.giedy...@gmail.com>

> The value of coreos that immediately comes to mind since I do much work
> with these tools:
>  - the small foot print, it is a minimal os, meant to run containers. So
> it throws everything not needed for that out.
>  - containers are the launch vehicle, thus deps are in container land. I
> can run and test containers with ease, not having to worry about multiple
> OSes.
>  - with etcd and fleet, coordinating the launch and modification of both
> machines and cluster make it a breeze. Allowing you to do dynamic mesos
> scaling up or down. I add nodes at will, across multiple cloud platforms,
> ready to launch multitude of containers or just mesos.
>  - security. There is a defined write strategy. You cannot write willy
> nilly to any location.
>  - all the above further allow auto OS updates, which is supported today
> on all platforms that deploy coreos. This means more frequent updates since
> the os is minimal, which should increase the security effectiveness when
> compared to big box superstore OSes like Redhat or Ubuntu. Some platforms
> charge quite a bit for managed updates of this frequency and level of
> testing.
> Coreos allows me to keep apps in a configured container that I trust,
> tested, and works time and time again.
> I see coreos as a compliment.
> As a fyi I'm available for questions, debugging, and client work in this
> area.
> Hope this helps some, from real world usage.
> Sent from my iPad
> > On Jan 18, 2015, at 9:16 AM, Victor L <vlyamt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I am confused: what's the value of mesos on the top of coreos cluster?
> Mesos provides distributed resource management, fault tolerance, etc., but
> doesn't coreos provides the same things already?
> > Thanks

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