
like you write we use roles for a number of pretty loosely coupled concerns 
(allocation, quota, reservations).

While denormalizing the endpoints like you suggest in Proposal (1) simplifies 
querying information, it limits how that coupling can be evolved in the future 
(at least if we’d like to avoid breaking the interface). That would be much 
less a problem for lightweight endpoints dealing with single services each.



> On Dec 16, 2015, at 1:02 PM, Yongqiao Wang <grady.w...@foxmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Currently, Mesos uses the following ways to configure role-related objects:
> 1. For dynamic reserve resources for a role, /reserve endpoint is used to 
> reserve, another /unreserve endpoint is used to unreserve, maybe the third 
> endpoint should be added to show resource reservation of a role later due to 
> someone has issue a requirement of this.
> 2. For configuring quota for a role, only one endpoint /quota is provided to 
> set/remove/show quota information.
> 3. For role information, /roles endpoint is only provided to show role 
> information(contains role name, weight and the registered frameworks and 
> their used resources) that master is configured with (specified by --roles 
> when Mesos master startup), and the configured roles do not be changed by 
> this endpoint at runtime(without restart Mesos master). And current there are 
> two proposals in progress to support re-configure roles at runtime:
>     - Dynamic Roles(MESOS-3177): roles are stored in the registry and 
> added/deleted/removed/shown via /roles HTTP endpoints with the authorized 
> principles.
>     - Implicit Roles(MESOS-3988): any role will be allowed, subject to the 
> ACL/authorization system.
> After having a discussion, we all prefer to implement Implicit Roles rather 
> than Dynamic Roles, but dynamic weight is out scope of Implicit Roles, so a 
> new project will need be issued for dynamic weight, and like quota, a new 
> endpoint(such as /weight) will be added to update weight of a role at runtime.
> For above design and implementation, they are all different. In order to 
> improve the user experience, some enhancements should be done for the same 
> behaviours between above endpoints. I have two proposals as below:
> Proposals 1, using /roles endpoint to centralizely show all roles information 
> and using other endpoints(/weight,/quota,/reservation) to only set the 
> role-related configuration.
> - Implement Implicit Roles to support dynamically implicitly add/remove role 
> at runtime. and enhance /roles endpoint to centralizely show all role 
> information which contains role name, weight, resource reservation, quota,etc.
> - For reservation, merge /reserve and /unreserve together, end user can use 
> one endpoint /reservation(should better be a noun for a Restful endpoint) to 
> reserve(POST method) and unreserve(PUT method) resource, and does not support 
> to show reservation with this endpoint;
> - For setting quota, end user can only use /quota endpoint to set and remove 
> quota, and does not support to show quota with this endpoint;
> - For dynamic weight, add a new endpoint /weight, end user can use to update 
> weight of a role, and does not support to show weights with this endpoint.
> Proposals 2, keep the old behaviour of /roles endpoint and using other 
> endpoints(/weight,/quota,/reservation) to set and show the role-related 
> configuration.
> - Implement Implicit Roles to support dynamic implicitly configure role at 
> runtime. and keep the old behaviour of /roles to only show role information 
> which contains role name, weight and the registered frameworks and their used 
> resources.
> - For reservation, merge /reserve and /unreserve together, end user can use 
> one endpoint /reservation to reserve(POST method) resource, unreserve(PUT 
> method) resource, show reserved resources(GET method);
> - For setting quota, keep the current behaviour, and end user can use /quota 
> endpoint to set(PUT method), remove(DELETE method) and show(GET method) quota;
> - For dynamic weight, add a new endpoint /weight, end user can use to 
> update(PUT method) weight of a role, and show(GET method) weight information.
> I prefer the proposal 1, because cluster administrator can use /roles 
> endpoint to show the global resource plan of the cluster. I would like to 
> listen from you guys on the above proposals, and any other comments are 
> welcome.
> ------------------
> Regards!
> Grady YQ. Wang(王勇桥)

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