Perhaps we could also support HTTP PATCH so you could just update one small
thing vs's PUT's get and set method.

On Thursday, December 17, 2015, Adam Bordelon <> wrote:

> First off, if we're going to have a /reservations endpoint, we should
> follow the same PUT+DELETE pattern for reserve+unreserve, instead of
> POST+PUT. And we should consider converting /create and /destroy to
> PUT+DELETE verbs on a /volumes endpoint.
> Secondly, we're going to have to support the previous endpoints
> through a deprecation cycle (~6mo), so there's no rush to get those
> changes in at the same time as or before dynamic weights.
> Finally, it seems like the only real difference between the two
> proposals is whether (1) /roles will be the catch-all "show me
> everything about each role" endpoint that admins/users will request
> when they want to see the current state of their
> reservations/quota/weights(/volumes?), or (2) each endpoint with
> create/update (PUT/POST) and DELETE actions will also have a GET
> action that lists the current state of quotas or weights or whatever,
> and /roles can (continue to) show whatever subset of information it
> wants.
> In the long-run, I like the idea of consistency among these types of
> endpoints, but for the near-term scope of dynamic weights, I think you
> can leave the other endpoints alone (including /roles) and just
> implement the PUT/POST+DELETE for /weights to create/update+delete
> weight configurations. Since weights are already displayed in /roles,
> you can leave them there and not worry about creating a GET for
> /weights. That's the least amount of work/disruption you have to do to
> deliver the feature/functionality, includes no wasted work no matter
> whether we go with your proposal 1 or 2 in the long run.
> On that note, we should create a JIRA Epic for defining a proper
> RESTful API for these actions and migrating all relevant endpoints to
> the new model.
> Cheers,
> -Adam-
> P.S. Seems like RESTful APIs prefer plural nouns over singular, so it
> would be /weights instead of /weight.
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 4:02 AM, Yongqiao Wang <
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > Currently, Mesos uses the following ways to configure role-related
> objects:
> > 1. For dynamic reserve resources for a role, /reserve endpoint is used to
> > reserve, another /unreserve endpoint is used to unreserve, maybe the
> third
> > endpoint should be added to show resource reservation of a role later
> due to
> > someone has issue a requirement of this.
> >
> > 2. For configuring quota for a role, only one endpoint /quota is
> provided to
> > set/remove/show quota information.
> >
> > 3. For role information, /roles endpoint is only provided to show role
> > information(contains role name, weight and the registered frameworks and
> > their used resources) that master is configured with (specified by
> --roles
> > when Mesos master startup), and the configured roles do not be changed by
> > this endpoint at runtime(without restart Mesos master). And current there
> > are two proposals in progress to support re-configure roles at runtime:
> >     - Dynamic Roles(MESOS-3177): roles are stored in the registry and
> > added/deleted/removed/shown via /roles HTTP endpoints with the authorized
> > principles.
> >     - Implicit Roles(MESOS-3988): any role will be allowed, subject to
> the
> > ACL/authorization system.
> >
> > After having a discussion, we all prefer to implement Implicit Roles
> rather
> > than Dynamic Roles, but dynamic weight is out scope of Implicit Roles,
> so a
> > new project will need be issued for dynamic weight, and like quota, a new
> > endpoint(such as /weight) will be added to update weight of a role at
> > runtime.
> >
> > For above design and implementation, they are all different. In order to
> > improve the user experience, some enhancements should be done for the
> same
> > behaviours between above endpoints. I have two proposals as below:
> >
> > Proposals 1, using /roles endpoint to centralizely show all roles
> > information and using other endpoints(/weight,/quota,/reservation) to
> only
> > set the role-related configuration.
> > - Implement Implicit Roles to support dynamically implicitly add/remove
> role
> > at runtime. and enhance /roles endpoint to centralizely show all role
> > information which contains role name, weight, resource reservation,
> > quota,etc.
> > - For reservation, merge /reserve and /unreserve together, end user can
> use
> > one endpoint /reservation(should better be a noun for a Restful
> endpoint) to
> > reserve(POST method) and unreserve(PUT method) resource, and does not
> > support to show reservation with this endpoint;
> > - For setting quota, end user can only use /quota endpoint to set and
> remove
> > quota, and does not support to show quota with this endpoint;
> > - For dynamic weight, add a new endpoint /weight, end user can use to
> update
> > weight of a role, and does not support to show weights with this
> endpoint.
> >
> >
> > Proposals 2, keep the old behaviour of /roles endpoint and using other
> > endpoints(/weight,/quota,/reservation) to set and show the role-related
> > configuration.
> > - Implement Implicit Roles to support dynamic implicitly configure role
> at
> > runtime. and keep the old behaviour of /roles to only show role
> information
> > which contains role name, weight and the registered frameworks and their
> > used resources.
> > - For reservation, merge /reserve and /unreserve together, end user can
> use
> > one endpoint /reservation to reserve(POST method) resource, unreserve(PUT
> > method) resource, show reserved resources(GET method);
> > - For setting quota, keep the current behaviour, and end user can use
> /quota
> > endpoint to set(PUT method), remove(DELETE method) and show(GET method)
> > quota;
> > - For dynamic weight, add a new endpoint /weight, end user can use to
> > update(PUT method) weight of a role, and show(GET method) weight
> > information.
> >
> > I prefer the proposal 1, because cluster administrator can use /roles
> > endpoint to show the global resource plan of the cluster. I would like to
> > listen from you guys on the above proposals, and any other comments are
> > welcome.
> >
> > ------------------
> > Regards!
> > Grady YQ. Wang(王勇桥)
> >

Text by Jeff, typos by iPhone

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