
I'm using Mesos 0.25. Is there any way to get some more information about
the task (like label, taskData)
when requesting task reconciliation? Right now i see that driver returns
only taskId, slaveId, status, timestamp.

Let me describe my use case so you have a better understanding.

I'm trying to implement HA framework that will manage a cluster of database
The scheduler will be run on marathon, and since I'm managing database
nodes I want to store mesos state
there to tolerate scheduler failures. So the workflow is the following:
User starts Scheduler on marathon providing some generated frameworkId.
Scheduler registers itself with the given
frameworkId and immediately starts reconciliation. If it's a fresh start
nothing has to be done - we are ready to accept
"add database node" commands. If it's a failover the idea was to inspect
each task state returned by the reconciliation
procedure, extract labels to distinguish whether it's a node, responsible
for storing mesos state, then extract task data
where we store node's host:port. With that you can initialize your storage
and may operate normally.

Thanks in advance,

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