
I am hoping someone can shed some light on this.

An agent node failed to start, that is, when I did "service mesos-slave
start" the service came up briefly & then stopped. Before stopping it
produced the log shown below. The last thing it wrote is "Trying to create
path '/mesos' in Zookeeper".

This mention of the mesos znode prompted me to go for a clean slate by
removing the mesos znode from Zookeeper.

After doing this, the mesos-slave service started perfectly.

What might be happening here, and also what's the right way to
trouble-shoot such a problem? Mesos is version 0.23.0.

Thanks for your help.


Log file created at: 2016/03/29 14:19:39
Running on machine:
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I0329 14:19:39.512249  5870 logging.cpp:172] INFO level logging started!
I0329 14:19:39.512564  5870 main.cpp:162] Build: 2015-07-24 10:05:39 by root
I0329 14:19:39.512588  5870 main.cpp:164] Version: 0.23.0
I0329 14:19:39.512600  5870 main.cpp:167] Git tag: 0.23.0
I0329 14:19:39.512612  5870 main.cpp:171] Git SHA:
I0329 14:19:39.615172  5870 containerizer.cpp:111] Using isolation:
I0329 14:19:39.615697  5870 main.cpp:249] Starting Mesos slave
I0329 14:19:39.616267  5870 slave.cpp:190] Slave started on 1)@
I0329 14:19:39.616286  5870 slave.cpp:191] Flags at startup:
--attributes="hostType:shard1" --authenticatee="crammd5"
--cgroups_enable_cfs="false" --cgroups_hierarchy="/sys/fs/cgroup"
--cgroups_limit_swap="false" --cgroups_root="mesos"
--container_disk_watch_interval="15secs" --containerizers="docker,mesos"
--default_role="*" --disk_watch_interval="1mins"
--docker="/usr/local/ecxmcc/weaveShim" --docker_kill_orphans="true"
--docker_socket="/var/run/docker.sock" --docker_stop_timeout="15secs"
--fetcher_cache_dir="/tmp/mesos/fetch" --fetcher_cache_size="2GB"
--frameworks_home="" --gc_delay="1weeks" --gc_disk_headroom="0.1"
--hadoop_home="" --help="false" --hostname=""
--initialize_driver_logging="true" --ip=""
--isolation="posix/cpu,posix/mem" --launcher_dir="/usr/libexec/mesos"
--log_dir="/var/log/mesos" --logbufsecs="0" --logging_level="INFO"
--oversubscribed_resources_interval="15secs" --perf_duration="10secs"
--perf_interval="1mins" --port="5051" --qos_correction_interval_min="0ns"
--quiet="false" --recover="reconnect" --recovery_timeout="15mins"
--resource_monitoring_interval="1secs" --revocable_cpu_low_priority="true"
--strict="true" --switch_user="true" --version="false"
I0329 14:19:39.616835  5870 slave.cpp:354] Slave resources: cpus(*):4;
mem(*):23089; disk(*):122517; ports(*):[31000-32000]
I0329 14:19:39.617032  5870 slave.cpp:384] Slave hostname:
I0329 14:19:39.617046  5870 slave.cpp:389] Slave checkpoint: true
I0329 14:19:39.618841  5894 state.cpp:36] Recovering state from
I0329 14:19:39.618872  5894 state.cpp:672] Failed to find resources file
I0329 14:19:39.619730  5898 group.cpp:313] Group process (group(1)@ connected to ZooKeeper
I0329 14:19:39.619760  5898 group.cpp:787] Syncing group operations: queue
size (joins, cancels, datas) = (0, 0, 0)
I0329 14:19:39.619773  5898 group.cpp:385] Trying to create path '/mesos'
in ZooKeeper

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