i tried the command: free -m
and i obtained this output:
                      total        used        free      shared  buff/cache

Mem:           1840         120        1407          40         312

Swap:             0           0           0

so there is not 2048 MB of RAM? i'm sure that openstack tells me that this
is a machine with 2048 MB of RAM...

2016-04-08 23:44 GMT+02:00 Arkal Arjun Rao <aa...@ucsc.edu>:

> You set it up with 2048MB but you  probably don't really get all of it
> (try `free -m` on the slave). Same with Disk (look at the value of df).
> from the book "Building Applications in Mesos":
> "The slave will reserve 1 GB or 50% of detected memory, whichever is
> smaller, in order to run itself and other operating system services.
> Likewise, it will reserve 5 GB or 50% of detected disk, whichever is
> smaller."
> If you want to explicitly reserve a value, first ensure you have the
> resources you want per slave then run this
> <kill the mesos slave process>
> rm -f /tmp/mesos/meta/slaves/latest
> mesos-slave --master=MASTER_ADDRESS:5050 --hostname=slave_public_IP_i_set
> --resources='cpu(*):1;mem(*):2000;disk(*):9000'
> Arjun
> On Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 2:23 PM, Stefano Bianchi <jazzist...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> What has to be clear is that i'm running virtual machines on openstack,
>> so i am not on bare metal.
>> All the VMs are Openstack Images, and each slave has been built with 2048
>> MB of RAM, so since slaves are 3 i should see in mesos something close to
>> 6144 MB, but mesos shows only 2.7 GB.
>> If you look at the command output i posted in previous messages, the
>> current mesos resources configuration allows 920 MB and 5112 MB of disk
>> space for each slave. I would like that mesos can see for instance 2000 MB
>> of RAM and 9000 MB of disk. and for this reason i have run: mesos-slave
>> --master=MASTER_ADDRESS:5050 --resources='cpu:1;mem:2000;disk:9000'
>> June Taylor, i need to understand:
>> 1) What the command you suggest do?
>> 2) Should i stop mesos-slave before? and then run your command?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> 2016-04-08 21:28 GMT+02:00 June Taylor <j...@umn.edu>:
>>> How much actual RAM do your slaves contain? You can only make available
>>> up to that amount, minus the bit that the slave reserves.
>>> Thanks,
>>> June Taylor
>>> System Administrator, Minnesota Population Center
>>> University of Minnesota
>>> On Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 1:29 PM, Stefano Bianchi <jazzist...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi i would like to enter in this mailing list.
>>>> i'm currently doing my Master Thesis on Mesos and Calico.
>>>> I'm working at INFN, institute of nuclear physics. The goal of the
>>>> thesis is to build a PaaS where mesos is the scheduler and Calico must
>>>> allow the interconnection between multiple datacenters linked to the CERN.
>>>> I'm exploiting an IaaS based on Openstack, here i have created 6
>>>> Virtual Machines, 3 Masters and 3 Slaves, on one slave is running Mesos-DNS
>>>> from Marathon.
>>>> All is perfectly working, since i am on another network i changed
>>>> correctly the hostnames such that on mesos are resolvable and i tried to
>>>> run from marathon a simple http server which is scalable on all my machine.
>>>> So all is fine and working.
>>>> The only thing that i don't like is that each 3 slaves have 1 CPU 10 GB
>>>> of disk memory and 2GB of RAM, but mesos currently show for each one only 5
>>>> GB of disk memory and 900MB of RAM.
>>>> So checking in documentation i found the command to manage the
>>>> resources.
>>>> I stopped Slave1, for instance, and i have run this command:
>>>> mesos-slave --master=MASTER_ADDRESS:5050
>>>> --resources='cpu:1;mem:2000;disk:9000'
>>>> where i want set 2000 GB of RAM and 9000GB of disk memory.
>>>>  The output is the following:
>>>> I0408 15:11:00.915324  7892 main.cpp:215] Build: 2016-03-10 20:32:58 by 
>>>> root
>>>> I0408 15:11:00.915436  7892 main.cpp:217] Version: 0.27.2
>>>> I0408 15:11:00.915448  7892 main.cpp:220] Git tag: 0.27.2
>>>> I0408 15:11:00.915459  7892 main.cpp:224] Git SHA: 
>>>> 3c9ec4a0f34420b7803848af597de00fedefe0e2
>>>> I0408 15:11:00.923334  7892 systemd.cpp:236] systemd version `219` detected
>>>> I0408 15:11:00.923384  7892 main.cpp:232] Inializing systemd state
>>>> I0408 15:11:00.950050  7892 systemd.cpp:324] Started systemd slice 
>>>> `mesos_executors.slice`
>>>> I0408 15:11:00.951529  7892 containerizer.cpp:143] Using isolation: 
>>>> posix/cpu,posix/mem,filesystem/posix
>>>> I0408 15:11:00.963232  7892 linux_launcher.cpp:101] Using 
>>>> /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer as the freezer hierarchy for the Linux launcher
>>>> I0408 15:11:00.965541  7892 main.cpp:320] Starting Mesos slave
>>>> I0408 15:11:00.966008  7892 slave.cpp:192] Slave started on 
>>>> 1)@
>>>> I0408 15:11:00.966023  7892 slave.cpp:193] Flags at startup: 
>>>> --appc_store_dir="/tmp/mesos/store/appc" --authenticatee="crammd5" 
>>>> --cgroups_cpu_enable_pids_and_tids_count="false" 
>>>> --cgroups_enable_cfs="false" --cgroups_hierarchy="/sys/fs/cgroup" 
>>>> --cgroups_limit_swap="false" --cgroups_root="mesos" 
>>>> --container_disk_watch_interval="15secs" --containerizers="mesos" 
>>>> --default_role="*" --disk_watch_interval="1mins" --docker="docker" 
>>>> --docker_auth_server="https://auth.docker.io"; --docker_kill_orphans="true" 
>>>> --docker_puller_timeout="60" 
>>>> --docker_registry="https://registry-1.docker.io"; 
>>>> --docker_remove_delay="6hrs" --docker_socket="/var/run/docker.sock" 
>>>> --docker_stop_timeout="0ns" --docker_store_dir="/tmp/mesos/store/docker" 
>>>> --enforce_container_disk_quota="false" 
>>>> --executor_registration_timeout="1mins" 
>>>> --executor_shutdown_grace_period="5secs" 
>>>> --fetcher_cache_dir="/tmp/mesos/fetch" --fetcher_cache_size="2GB" 
>>>> --frameworks_home="" --gc_delay="1weeks" --gc_disk_headroom="0.1" 
>>>> --hadoop_home="" --help="false" --hostname_lookup="true" 
>>>> --image_provisioner_backend="copy" --initialize_driver_logging="true" 
>>>> --isolation="posix/cpu,posix/mem" --launcher_dir="/usr/libexec/mesos" 
>>>> --logbufsecs="0" --logging_level="INFO" --master="" 
>>>> --oversubscribed_resources_interval="15secs" --perf_duration="10secs" 
>>>> --perf_interval="1mins" --port="5051" --qos_correction_interval_min="0ns" 
>>>> --quiet="false" --recover="reconnect" --recovery_timeout="15mins" 
>>>> --registration_backoff_factor="1secs" 
>>>> --resources="cpu:1;mem:2000;disk:9000" --revocable_cpu_low_priority="true" 
>>>> --sandbox_directory="/mnt/mesos/sandbox" --strict="true" 
>>>> --switch_user="true" --systemd_enable_support="true" 
>>>> --systemd_runtime_directory="/run/systemd/system" --version="false" 
>>>> --work_dir="/tmp/mesos"
>>>> I0408 15:11:00.967485  7892 slave.cpp:463] Slave resources: cpu(*):1; 
>>>> mem(*):2000; disk(*):9000; cpus(*):1; ports(*):[31000-32000]
>>>> I0408 15:11:00.967547  7892 slave.cpp:471] Slave attributes: [  ]
>>>> I0408 15:11:00.967560  7892 slave.cpp:476] Slave hostname: 
>>>> slave1.openstacklocal
>>>> I0408 15:11:00.971304  7893 state.cpp:58] Recovering state from 
>>>> '/tmp/mesos/meta'
>>>> *Failed to perform recovery: Incompatible slave info detected*.
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Old slave info:
>>>> hostname: "*slave_public_IP_i_set*"
>>>> resources {
>>>>   name: "cpus"
>>>>   type: SCALAR
>>>>   scalar {
>>>>     value: 1
>>>>   }
>>>>   role: "*"
>>>> }
>>>> resources {
>>>>   name: "mem"
>>>>   type: SCALAR
>>>>   scalar {
>>>>     value: 920
>>>>   }
>>>>   role: "*"
>>>> }
>>>> resources {
>>>>   name: "disk"
>>>>   type: SCALAR
>>>>   scalar {
>>>>     value: 5112
>>>>   }
>>>>   role: "*"
>>>> }
>>>> resources {
>>>>   name: "ports"
>>>>   type: RANGES
>>>>   ranges {
>>>>     range {
>>>>       begin: 31000
>>>>       end: 32000
>>>>     }
>>>>   }
>>>>   role: "*"
>>>> }
>>>> id {
>>>>   value: "ad490064-1a6e-415c-8536-daef0d8e3572-S7"
>>>> }
>>>> checkpoint: true
>>>> port: 5051
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> New slave info:
>>>> hostname: "
>>>> slave1.openstacklocal
>>>> "
>>>> resources {
>>>>   name: "cpu"
>>>>   type: SCALAR
>>>>   scalar {
>>>>     value: 1
>>>>   }
>>>>   role: "*"
>>>> }
>>>> resources {
>>>>   name: "mem"
>>>>   type: SCALAR
>>>>   scalar {
>>>>     value: 2000
>>>>   }
>>>>   role: "*"
>>>> }
>>>> resources {
>>>>   name: "disk"
>>>>   type: SCALAR
>>>>   scalar {
>>>>     value: 9000
>>>>   }
>>>>   role: "*"
>>>> }
>>>> resources {
>>>>   name: "cpus"
>>>>   type: SCALAR
>>>>   scalar {
>>>>     value: 1
>>>>   }
>>>>   role: "*"
>>>> }
>>>> resources {
>>>>   name: "ports"
>>>>   type: RANGES
>>>>   ranges {
>>>>     range {
>>>>       begin: 31000
>>>>       end: 32000
>>>>     }
>>>>   }
>>>>   role: "*"
>>>> }
>>>> id {
>>>>   value: "ad490064-1a6e-415c-8536-daef0d8e3572-S7"
>>>> }
>>>> checkpoint: true
>>>> port: 5051
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> To remedy this do as follows:
>>>> Step 1: rm -f /tmp/mesos/meta/slaves/latest
>>>>         This ensures slave doesn't recover old live executors.
>>>> Step 2: Restart the slave.
>>>> I can notice two things:
>>>> 1)the message of failure;
>>>> 2)the hostname is changed; the right one is a public IP i have set in 
>>>> order to resolve the hostname for mesos.
>>>> As a consequence, when i start the slave, the resources are exaclty the 
>>>> same, nothing is changed.
>>>> Can you please help me?
>>>> Thanks!
> --
> Arjun Arkal Rao
> PhD Student,
> Haussler Lab,
> UC Santa Cruz,
> aa...@ucsc.edu

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