Hey folks!
A number of situations have arisen in which the default value of the Mesos
agent `--work_dir` flag (/tmp/mesos) has caused problems on systems in
which the automatic cleanup of '/tmp' deletes agent metadata. To resolve
this, we would like to eliminate the default value of the agent
`--work_dir` flag. You can find the relevant JIRA here

We considered simply changing the default value to a more appropriate
location, but decided against this because the expected filesystem
structure varies from platform to platform, and because it isn't guaranteed
that the Mesos agent would have access to the default path on a particular

Eliminating the default `--work_dir` value means that the agent would exit
immediately if the flag is not provided, whereas currently it launches
successfully in this case. This will break existing infrastructure which
relies on launching the Mesos agent without specifying the work directory.
I believe this is an acceptable change because '/tmp/mesos' is not a
suitable location for the agent work directory except for short-term local
testing, and any production scenario that is currently using this location
should be altered immediately.

If you have any thoughts/opinions/concerns regarding this change, please
let us know!


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