I’m +1 on removing the default.

While /opt/mesos may seem reasonable on the surface given many common uses of 
/opt, putting data there doesn’t really comply with FHS.  Arguments could be 
made for /var/mesos (which I’m using) or /srv/mesos, but I think no default is 

I noticed early on that it was a little odd to default to /tmp, but felt as if 
I was following someone-or-other’s lead.  It’s now clear that’s not the case. :)

From: tommy xiao <xia...@gmail.com<mailto:xia...@gmail.com>>
Reply-To: "user@mesos.apache.org<mailto:user@mesos.apache.org>" 
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 11:14 PM
To: "user@mesos.apache.org<mailto:user@mesos.apache.org>" 
Cc: dev <d...@mesos.apache.org<mailto:d...@mesos.apache.org>>
Subject: Re: [Proposal] Remove the default value for agent work_dir

how about /opt/mesos/

2016-04-13 12:44 GMT+08:00 Avinash Sridharan 

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 9:31 PM, Jie Yu 
<yujie....@gmail.com<mailto:yujie....@gmail.com>> wrote:

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 9:29 PM, James Peach 
<jor...@gmail.com<mailto:jor...@gmail.com>> wrote:

> > On Apr 12, 2016, at 3:58 PM, Greg Mann 
> > <g...@mesosphere.io<mailto:g...@mesosphere.io>> wrote:
> >
> > Hey folks!
> > A number of situations have arisen in which the default value of the
> Mesos agent `--work_dir` flag (/tmp/mesos) has caused problems on systems
> in which the automatic cleanup of '/tmp' deletes agent metadata. To resolve
> this, we would like to eliminate the default value of the agent
> `--work_dir` flag. You can find the relevant JIRA here.
> >
> > We considered simply changing the default value to a more appropriate
> location, but decided against this because the expected filesystem
> structure varies from platform to platform, and because it isn't guaranteed
> that the Mesos agent would have access to the default path on a particular
> platform.
> >
> > Eliminating the default `--work_dir` value means that the agent would
> exit immediately if the flag is not provided, whereas currently it launches
> successfully in this case. This will break existing infrastructure which
> relies on launching the Mesos agent without specifying the work directory.
> I believe this is an acceptable change because '/tmp/mesos' is not a
> suitable location for the agent work directory except for short-term local
> testing, and any production scenario that is currently using this location
> should be altered immediately.
> +1 from me too. Defaulting to /tmp just helps people shoot themselves in
> the foot.
> J

Avinash Sridharan, Mesosphere
+1 (323) 702 5245<tel:%2B1%20%28323%29%20702%205245>

Deshi Xiao
Twitter: xds2000
E-mail: xiaods(AT)gmail.com<http://gmail.com>

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