Here it is:


  "id": "marathon-lb",

  "volumes": [],

  "cpus": 1,

  "mem": 512,

  "instances": 1,

  "container": {

    "type": "DOCKER",

    "docker": {

    "image": "mesosphere/marathon-lb",

    "network": "HOST",

    "parameters": [

                { "key": "env", "value": "PORTS=9090" }


    "portMappings": [


       "containerPort": 80,

        "hostPort": 80,

        "servicePort": 10004,

        "protocol": "tcp"



       "containerPort": 9090,

        "hostPort": 9090,

        "servicePort": 10005,

        "protocol": "tcp"



    "privileged": false


  "args": [


      "--marathon", "";,

      "--group", "external"


  "forcePullImage": true,

  "constraints": [["hostname", "CLUSTER", ""]]


where: is the private IP there marathon is running. is the hostname i set in /etc/mesos-master/hostname and
/etc/mesos-master/ip files.

2016-05-02 17:20 GMT+02:00 Kamil Wokitajtis <>:

> Please paste your modified marathon-lb.json file.
> Can you see any error messages in the marathon and mesos logs ?
> We are mapping ports 80, 9090,10004,10005, those need to be open.
> Docker command is as follows:
> docker run --privileged -e PORTS=9090 --net=host -p 80:80 -p 9090:9090
> mesosphere/marathon-lb sse --marathon --group
> "external"
> 2016-05-02 17:07 GMT+02:00 Stefano Bianchi <>:
>> Can you please tell me which is the correspondent marathon-lb.json docker
>> command?
>> 2016-05-02 16:55 GMT+02:00 Stefano Bianchi <>:
>>> All those ports must be open? Because i am on openstack environment and
>>> i need to know if there is something to open
>>> 2016-05-02 15:52 GMT+02:00 Stefano Bianchi <>:
>>>> i changed all but i see waiting app.
>>>> 2016-05-02 15:26 GMT+02:00 Kamil Wokitajtis <>:
>>>>> I am using private docker registry (
>>>>> ).
>>>>> In my case I can pull image from local repository installed on node
>>>>> master-1 (master-1:5000/marathon-lb):
>>>>>  "image": "master-1:5000/marathon-lb"
>>>>> If you don't have private registry, you have to pull image from the
>>>>> docker hub (mesosphere/marathon-lb):
>>>>>  "image": "mesosphere/marathon-lb"
>>>>> Basically, for many reasons I want all my images to be hosted locally.
>>>>> 2016-05-02 15:10 GMT+02:00 Stefano Bianchi <>:
>>>>>> Thanks your your answer.
>>>>>> I understood what you are telling me, just a thing, what you mean
>>>>>> with docker registry?
>>>>>> 2016-05-02 13:31 GMT+02:00 Kamil Wokitajtis <>:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> Fastest way is to run marathon-lb docker image.
>>>>>>> You have to update marathon-lb.json code below with yours (or
>>>>>>> public) docker registry, IPs and hostnames.
>>>>>>> When you add application to marathon and you want it to be load
>>>>>>> balanced via marathon-lb,
>>>>>>> you have to add labels section eg.:
>>>>>>>  "labels": {
>>>>>>>     "HAPROXY_GROUP":"external",
>>>>>>>     "HAPROXY_0_VHOST":""
>>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>> Reading documentation on github was enough for me, specially
>>>>>>> "issues" tab ;)
>>>>>>> Below code works for me, but I think you can change "network" mode
>>>>>>> from BRIDGE to HOST and remove line : { "key": "net", "value": "host" }.
>>>>>>> marathon-lb.json:
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>   "id": "marathon-lb",
>>>>>>>   "volumes": [],
>>>>>>>   "cpus": 0.5,
>>>>>>>   "mem": 256.0,
>>>>>>>   "instances": 1,
>>>>>>>   "container": {
>>>>>>>     "type": "DOCKER",
>>>>>>>     "docker": {
>>>>>>>     "image": "master-1:5000/marathon-lb",
>>>>>>>     "network": "BRIDGE",
>>>>>>>     "parameters": [
>>>>>>>                 { "key": "env", "value": "PORTS=9090" },
>>>>>>>                 { "key": "net", "value": "host" }
>>>>>>>     ],
>>>>>>>     "portMappings": [
>>>>>>>       {
>>>>>>>         "containerPort": 80,
>>>>>>>         "hostPort": 80,
>>>>>>>         "servicePort": 10004,
>>>>>>>         "protocol": "tcp"
>>>>>>>       },
>>>>>>>       {
>>>>>>>         "containerPort": 9090,
>>>>>>>         "hostPort": 9090,
>>>>>>>         "servicePort": 10005,
>>>>>>>         "protocol": "tcp"
>>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>>     ]},
>>>>>>>     "privileged": false
>>>>>>>   },
>>>>>>>   "args": [
>>>>>>>       "sse",
>>>>>>>       "--marathon", "";,
>>>>>>>       "--group", "external"
>>>>>>>   ],
>>>>>>>   "forcePullImage": true,
>>>>>>>   "constraints": [["hostname", "CLUSTER", "master-1"]]
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> 2016-05-02 11:08 GMT+02:00 Stefano Bianchi <>:
>>>>>>>> Hello all
>>>>>>>> I'm not using DC/OS, and i would like to know how to install
>>>>>>>> marathon-lb on my mesos cluster. Is there any tutorial that does not
>>>>>>>> involve dcos instructions?
>>>>>>>> Thanks for replies.

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