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Hi Giulio,

You probably remember me, I used to work with Predrag and Jakob and we met
when BenH was at CERN.

Please let me know how it goes with using HTTP API. The documentation is
indeed rough on edges so I am not surprised you're having questions. I'll
be happy to setup a google hangout with one of the engineers who worked on
the API in case you want some help.

Please let me know.


On Monday, July 4, 2016, Giulio Eulisse <giulio.euli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I've started writing a simple framework using node.js and the HTTP
> Scheduler API. I've managed to subscribe to the event stream, parse
> messages and decline offers quite easily, however I'm having a bit of
> trouble accepting the offers and launching tasks, since I cannot find any
> complete example for the JSON format the various operations should have. I
> assume I can reverse engine er mesos.proto and do a bit of trial and error,
> but I was wondering if I was simply missing some proper documentation. Any
> suggestions?
> --
> Ciao,
> Giulio

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