Quick correction for posterity...  The 'expire' field is actually in days
not milliseconds.  So that should not be a problem here.

On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 8:02 AM, Simon Elliston Ball <
si...@simonellistonball.com> wrote:

> In your config for the individual profile though, you expire the content
> every 30ms (per the zip file)
> Simon
> On 12 Jul 2017, at 12:20, Krishna Dhanekula <krishna.dhanek...@sstech.us>
> wrote:
> Thanks Simon for replying.
> This is my ‘profiler.properties’ file content. TTL is 30 minutes and for
> every 30 seconds I am flushing to Hbase.
> profiler.workers=1
> profiler.executors=0
> profiler.input.topic=indexing
> profiler.period.duration=1
> profiler.period.duration.units=MINUTES
> profiler.ttl=30
> profiler.ttl.units=MINUTES
> profiler.hbase.salt.divisor=1000
> profiler.hbase.table=profiler
> profiler.hbase.column.family=P
> profiler.hbase.batch=1
> profiler.hbase.flush.interval.seconds=30
> ##### Kafka #####
> kafka.zk=
> kafka.broker=
> kafka.start=WHERE_I_LEFT_OFF
> *Regards,*
> *Balakrishna*
> *From:* Simon Elliston Ball [mailto:si...@simonellistonball.com
> <si...@simonellistonball.com>]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 12, 2017 3:28 PM
> *To:* user@metron.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: Metron Profiler 0.3.0: HbaseBolt not storing data to HBase
> Instance
> Looks like you’ve set the profile to purge (expires) every 30 ms, and your
> period is set to 30 minutes, so the data is being expired long before it
> has a change to write.
> Simon
> On 12 Jul 2017, at 06:17, Krishna Dhanekula <krishna.dhanek...@sstech.us>
> wrote:
> I have an problem where profiled data is not storing to Hbase instance:
> Installed metron profiler in ‘HDP-’ with the help of this link:
> https://metron.apache.org/current-book/metron-analytics/
> metron-profiler/index.html
> Attached my profiler.properties and profiler.json files, remote.yaml and
> worker.log files.
> Once I place the following message into kafka topic 'indexing'
> [{"ip_src_addr":"","protocol":"HTTPS","length":"
> 10","bytes_in":"234"},{"ip_src_addr":"","
> protocol":"HTTP","length":"20","bytes_in":"390"},{"ip_src_
> addr":"","protocol":"DNS","length":"30","bytes_in":"560"}]
> It's picked by splitterBolt and passed till HBaseBolt. But data is not
> getting stored to Hbase.
> Attached metron-artifacts.zip
> Attached storm-ui screenshot.storm-ui-screen.png
> Please suggest what am I missing here.
> Thanks in advance.
> Attachments:
> storm-ui-screen.png (17.4 kB)
> metron-artifacts.zip (36.6 kB)
> Regards,
> Balakrishna
> <metron_artifacts.zip><storm_ui_screen.png>

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