Off the top of my head: 

- Elasticsearch: I think this only needs to be done on the master. 

- Hadoop: Doing this on 1 node should be sufficient iirc. 

- Re the events, are you sure that either Storm indexing or enrichment
topology hasn't crashed and it's trying to (re-)process the events,
crashing again, reprocessing, etc...? You can see whether errors are
happening in the Storm UI (Ambari -> Storm ->  Quick Links -> Storm UI)
At least that's what happened at some point on my cluster. Fixing this
involves stopping Kafka & Storm, and clearing the indexing & enrichment
directories from Kafka. 

On 2017-09-08 08:13, Frank Horsfall wrote:

> Hi Laurens, 
> Does this exercise have to be executed on all 3 nodes? 
> You also mention that if the queues are empty this should work. Is there a 
> way of clearing the queues? 
> The reason I ask is that 
> A few days ago I shut down  yaf, bro, snort, etc.  but I'm still processing 
> millions of events which I suspect is the backlog of events that have been 
> queued for processing. 
> Kindest 
> Frank 
> FROM: Laurens Vets [] 
> SENT: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 6:17 PM
> TO:
> CC: Frank Horsfall <>
> SUBJECT: Re: Clearing of data to start over 
> Hi Frank, 
> If you all your queues (Kafka/Storm) are empty, the following should work: 
> - Deleting your elasticsearch indices: curl -X DELETE 
> 'http://localhost:9200/snort_index_*', curl -X DELETE 
> 'http://localhost:9200/yaf_index_*', etc... 
> - Deleting your Hadoop data: 
> Become the hdfs user: sudo su - hdfs
> Show what's been indexed in Hadoop: hdfs dfs -ls 
> /apps/metron/indexing/indexed/ 
> Output should show the following probably:
> /apps/metron/indexing/indexed/error
> /apps/metron/indexing/indexed/snort
> /apps/metron/indexing/indexed/yaf
> ... 
> You can remove these with:
> hdfs dfs -rmr -skipTrash /apps/metron/indexing/indexed/error/
> hdfs dfs -rmr -skipTrash /apps/metron/indexing/indexed/snort/ 
> Or the individial files with 
> hdfs dfs -rmr -skipTrash /apps/metron/indexing/indexed/error/FILENAME 
> On 2017-09-06 13:59, Frank Horsfall wrote:
>> Hello all, 
>> I have installed a 3 node system using the bare metal Centos 7 guideline. 
>> It has taken me a while to have all components working properly and I left 
>> the yaf,bro,snort apps running so quite a lot of data has been generated.  
>> Currently, I have almost 18 million events identified in Kibana. 16+ million 
>> are yaf based, and 2+ million are snort  .... 190 events are my new squid 
>> telemetry,  J.   It looks like it still has a while to go before it catches 
>> up to current day.   I recently shutdown the apps. 
>> My questions are: 
>> 1.       Is there a way to wipe all my data and indices clean so that I may 
>> now begin with a fresh dataset? 
>> 2.       Is there a way to configure yaf so that its data is meaningful ? It 
>> is currently  creating what looks to be test data? 
>> 3.       I have commented out the test snort rule  but it is still 
>> generating the odd record which looks once again looks like test data. Can 
>> this be stopped as well? 
>> Kindest regards, 
>> Frank

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