Two questions:
1. How much memory are you giving the workers for the indexing topology?
2. how large are the messages you're sending through?

On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 2:00 PM Vets, Laurens <> wrote:

> Hello list,
> I've installed OS updates on my Metron 0.4.2 yesterday, restarted all
> nodes and now my indexing topology keeps crashing.
> This is what I see in the Storm UI for the indexing topology:
> Topology stats:
> 10m 0s    1304380    1953520    12499.833    1320
> 3h 0m 0s    1304380    1953520    12499.833    1320
> 1d 0h 0m 0s    1304380    1953520    12499.833    1320
> All time    1304380    1953520    12499.833    1320
> Spouts:
> kafkaSpout    1    1    1299940    1949080    12499.833    1320    0
> metron3    6702    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit
> exceeded at java.lang.Long.valueOf( at
> org.apache.storm.kafka.spout.KafkaSpoutRetryExponentialBackoff$RetryEntryTimeStampComparator.compar
> Bolts:
> hdfsIndexingBolt    1    1    1800    1800    0.278    7.022    1820
> 38.633    1800    0    metron3    6702    java.lang.NullPointerException
> at
> org.apache.metron.writer.hdfs.SourceHandler.handle(
> at org.apache.metron.writer.hdfs.HdfsWriter.write(
> at org.apache.metr    Thur, 13 Sep 2018 07:35:02
> indexingBolt    1    1    1320    1320    0.217    7.662    1300
> 47.815    1300    0    metron3    6702    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC
> overhead limit exceeded at
> java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange( at
> java.lang.String.<init>( at
> org.json.simple.parser.Yylex.yytext(Yylex.jav    Thur, 13 Sep 2018 07:37:33
> When I check the Kafka topic, I can see that there's at least 3 million
> messages in the kafka indexing topic... I _suspect_ that the indexing
> topology tries to write those but fails, restarts, tries to write,
> fails, etc... Metron is currently not ingesting any additional messages,
> but also can't seem to index the current ones...
> Any idea on how to proceed?

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