For the record, here is how I 'fixed' this:

1. Stop Storm, it's crashing constantly anyway. Stop sending messages to
your Metron installation.

2. Export the messages from the Kafka topic that's crashing Storm so
that they're not lost. In my case that's the indexing topic. I have no
idea yet on how to re-ingest them.

3. Set the '' Kafka configuration setting to a small value,
then wait a minute. The command for this is
"/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --zookeeper
localhost:2181 --entity-type topics --alter --add-config --entity-name indexing".

4. Make sure that the '' value is set:
"/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --zookeeper
localhost:2181 --entity-type topics --describe --entity-name indexing"

5. Wait a couple of minutes, the Kafka log files should be empty. You
can check this with "ls -altr /tmp/kafka-logs/indexing/" or "du -h
/tmp/kafka-logs/indexing/". Replace "/tmp/kafka-logs/" with the correct
path to your Kafka logs directory. In my case, there was approx. 11GB of
data in the indexing topic.

6. Restore the default retention time:
"/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --zookeeper
localhost:2181 --entity-type topics --alter --delete-config
--entity-name indexing".

(7. try to re-index the lost data. I have not found a way for this yet)

At this point, start Storm again. It shouldn't crash anymore as there's
no data to index.

Does this sound like a sound way to 'fix' these kinds of problems? I
suspect that I received a big burst of logs (Kibana seems to support
this) that Storm couldn't handle. Is there a way to better handle big
bursts? Or a rate control mechanism of some sort?

On 13-Sep-18 11:39, Vets, Laurens wrote:
> 1. worker.childopts: -Xmx2048m
> 2. As in individual messages? Just small(-ish) JSON messages. A few KBytes?
> On 13-Sep-18 11:21, Casey Stella wrote:
>> Two questions:
>> 1. How much memory are you giving the workers for the indexing topology?
>> 2. how large are the messages you're sending through?
>> On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 2:00 PM Vets, Laurens <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     Hello list,
>>     I've installed OS updates on my Metron 0.4.2 yesterday, restarted all
>>     nodes and now my indexing topology keeps crashing.
>>     This is what I see in the Storm UI for the indexing topology:
>>     Topology stats:
>>     10m 0s    1304380    1953520    12499.833    1320   
>>     3h 0m 0s    1304380    1953520    12499.833    1320   
>>     1d 0h 0m 0s    1304380    1953520    12499.833    1320   
>>     All time    1304380    1953520    12499.833    1320
>>     Spouts:
>>     kafkaSpout    1    1    1299940    1949080    12499.833    1320   
>>     0   
>>     metron3    6702    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit
>>     exceeded at java.lang.Long.valueOf( at
>> org.apache.storm.kafka.spout.KafkaSpoutRetryExponentialBackoff$RetryEntryTimeStampComparator.compar
>>     Bolts:
>>     hdfsIndexingBolt    1    1    1800    1800    0.278    7.022   
>>     1820   
>>     38.633    1800    0    metron3    6702   
>>     java.lang.NullPointerException
>>     at
>>     org.apache.metron.writer.hdfs.SourceHandler.handle(
>>     at org.apache.metron.writer.hdfs.HdfsWriter.write(
>>     at org.apache.metr    Thur, 13 Sep 2018 07:35:02
>>     indexingBolt    1    1    1320    1320    0.217    7.662    1300   
>>     47.815    1300    0    metron3    6702   
>>     java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC
>>     overhead limit exceeded at
>>     java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange( at
>>     java.lang.String.<init>( at
>>     org.json.simple.parser.Yylex.yytext(Yylex.jav    Thur, 13 Sep 2018
>>     07:37:33
>>     When I check the Kafka topic, I can see that there's at least 3
>>     million
>>     messages in the kafka indexing topic... I _suspect_ that the indexing
>>     topology tries to write those but fails, restarts, tries to write,
>>     fails, etc... Metron is currently not ingesting any additional
>>     messages,
>>     but also can't seem to index the current ones...
>>     Any idea on how to proceed?

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