
just found the answer to my question myself. It will be default ignore
all defined dependencies. In my case the problem was that JUnit is only
a test dependency and the class itself was in src/main not src/test. If
I move the test code it will correctly accept it.

And when I use <ignoreDependencies>true</ignoreDependencies> it will
correctly mention all used (OSGI+JUnit) methods.


 Am Sun, 23 Feb 2014
23:59:28 +0100 schrieb Bernd Eckenfels <e...@zusammenkunft.net>:

> Hello,
> I was playing around a bit with animal sniffer in order to improve JDK
> depenendecies in my projects.
> I was using a random project (which had in my case dependencies to
> OSGI-core and JUnit). When I run animal snigger with java 1.5 or 1.6
> signatures it will complain about org.junit.Assert. 
> Now I wonder how does animal sniffer actually detect what method/class
> is part of the "signature" and should be checked (and rejected) and
> what is part of a external dependency?
> Or can it not differentiate between those?
> [INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.10:check (default-cli) @
> filtertest ---
> [INFO] Checking unresolved references to
> org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java15:1.0
> C:\ws\osgifiltertest\src\main\java\net\eckenfels\osgitest\FilterTestTest.java:11:
> Undefined reference: void org.junit.Assert.fail(String) [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> It mentions @IgnoreJRERequirement, but I suspect that annotation is
> not to be used on all external classes?
> Bernd

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