I haven't used Fusion yet, but already play with Lucidworks 2.8.
The native embedded crawler for Lucidworks is Apperture [0].
IMHO nutch is better than Apperture in terms of stability, speed and

[0] http://sourceforge.net/projects/aperture/

On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 9:19 AM, Jorge Luis Betancourt Gonzalez <
jlbetanco...@uci.cu> wrote:

> Hi the new Fusion product from Lucidworks provides “advanced filesystem
> and web crawlers” anyone have had any time to check this out and how to
> compare to the current and future plans with Nutch? Just interested I
> personally haven’t been able to download the product and test it but I’m a
> bit curious and I would appreciate your comments on this topic.
> Regards,Concurso "Mi selfie por los 5". Detalles en
> http://justiciaparaloscinco.wordpress.com


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