Hello Sebastian, each time you helped me I am reminded how grateful I am
there are people like you!

I am following these instructions:

The most prevalent error is: *The package org.w3c.dom is accessible from
more than one module: <unnamed>, java.xml*
This message occurs for a few other packages as well, but I figure if you
can help me fix one, I will be more able to fix the others.

There is also an error in LuceneAnalyzerUtil.java : *STOP_WORDS_SET cannot
be resolved or is not a field*

*Enjoy your day and thank you,*

On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 2:48 AM Sebastian Nagel <wastl.na...@googlemail.com>

> Hi Bob,
> could you share which instructions and when the error happens - during
> import,
> project build, running/debugging?
> The usual way is
> 1. to write the Eclipse project configuration, run
>    ant eclipse
> 2. import the written project configuration into Eclipse
> Building or running/debugging Nutch in Eclipse is possible although
> requires
> some work to get everything right.
> Best,
> Sebastian
> On 7/15/22 23:00, Robert Scavilla wrote:
> > Hello Kind People, I am trying to set up Nutch with eclipse. I am
> following
> > the instructions and have an issue that I have not been able to resolve
> > yet. I have the error: *"package org.w3c.dom is accessible from more than
> > one module"*
> >
> > There are several modules that get this same error message. The project
> > compiles from the command line without error. It is not clear to me how
> to
> > resolve this and I hope you can help.
> >
> > Thank you!
> > ...bob
> >

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