
Building the forum/blog functionality out would be a great thing for OFBiz.
Up until now, I think it was lacking someone who had a definite need.

I am really busy, but I have a strong desire to see this move forward, so I
will do what I can when I can.

Andrew Zeneski has done a bunch with the blog that is probably the best
place to start. You may be looking at it.

I will see what I can do about refreshing my memory and getting my thoughts


On 8/7/07, Adrian Crum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to extract the forum feature from the eCommerce component so
> that I can use it as a
> component in our back-office collaboration suite. Everything is moving
> along well so far.
> I would like to make some enhancements to it, but the entity schema for
> content management is a bit
> overwhelming. I tried getting more information through Google search, but
> with no success.
> Does anyone know where the content management entities are described and
> how they are used? If such
> a resource isn't available, could someone give me some tidbits of insight?
> Anything would help.
> Thanks in advance!
> -Adrian

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