
I'm currently installing an ofbiz system for a UK client. We have default prices in products without VAT and have managed to display them with VAT included in the ecommerce application using the standard configuration features. Currently having an issue with shipping costs as these get displayed regardless of VAT, which means to final sales order looks odd/wrong. That is, VAT for line items included but no VAT for shipping, are there any tips to get round this?



having to amendJacques Le Roux wrote:
Yes I agree, there are no problems with the data model : it's just great ! And 
actually yes it's not so hard to do (I was able to do
it order manager ;o). But generalisation (dealing with excluded *or* included 
prices with a store parameter)  in all parts (not only
order manager) need some more works and *testing*.

Not only UI reviews and changes are needed, some more on how tax calculation is 
done on background. Mostly when updating orders or
adding items : adjustments have to be tuned (Shipment and Handling, Gift Wrap, 
etc.). At least the way I did it, which is perhaps
not the better way (but it works so far :o)


----- Message d'origine ----- De : "David E Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Just a quick thought on this... I don't think what remains to be done is too 
large and risky, unless major design flaws are found
in the current TaxAuthority features that are meant to support VAT. Of course, 
how VAT is handle DOES vary a bit from country to
country, so implementers in one country may have a different experience that 
those in another.
This stuff has been used as a basis for custom apps and has gone into 
production, so chances are like you're saying Jacques that
there are just some UI review and changes that need to be made, like displaying 
prices with tax (or because it is a CSR/manager app
with and without tax) in the Order Manager.
(disclosure of hidden agenda: I don't want to say this is too large or risky 
because it reduces the chances of someone taking the
plunge and working on it... ;) )

Jacques Le Roux wrote:
AFAIK nothing more than some cosmetic improvements have been done. I'm 
currently workin for an UK client on some VAT improvement
order manager UI (dealing with gross prices, not VAT excluded prices shown to 
users). Most of the job is done but I'm not sure I
will be able to contribute it back to OFBiz because there is a lot of 
intricated customisations. Also it's only a part of the
problem, but the main part I guess. Anyway I have not enough time yet to 
contribute it (the client is OK) and if I do I will
have to
generalise it (of course some will prefer to see VAT excluded prices as it is 
now). This is something we need in Europe (at
but nobody seems ready to pay the price yet : it's a large and risky 


De : "David Goodenough" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
A few months ago there was a discussion about the state of VAT support in
OfBiz, and as I recall there was a little work to be done.  Has that work
been done?

I ask because we have the opportunity to use OfBiz for a UK business, and
obviously VAT is important.  OfBiz would seem to be a very good fit to what is
needed, and would cut development time considerably so we would like to use
it if we can.


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