De : "Phillip Rhodes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi everyone,
> It appears that ofbiz is saving credit card information.  While there is 
> sometimes a business need to do this, very often, there
is not.  For example, with cybersource and verisign, all you need to store is 
the authorization code.  With the authorization code,
you can perform settlements, and returns.  Of course, there could be an 
back-office process that runs credit cards, so it would be
necessary in that case.
> I am bringing this issue up because holding this information is a risk.  It 
> would be nice if ofbiz could provide a means by which
organizations would be able to opt out of having credit card information stored 
for their customers.

This is an interesting idea, but you should also consider that if for any 
reasons you need to re-authorise the card you will not be
able  to (there are some cases you will need to do that : amount change - not 
able to deliver all -, etc.)

YMMV suiving your payments provider (though I guess an auth is not a re-auth 
everywhere in the world)


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