
Those docs are fine. Maybe the problem (if any?) is that they are not in "plain English"? I understand those docs just fine, though.

For eg, "Finally do a merge between ofbiz r482800, ofbiz r483333 and my working 
copy", really means:

"Finally, find the difference between rNew and rOld, and apply those differences into my working copy."

So, to any concerned:

As with all newly ingested medication (new OFBiz updates merged in), complications may arise. In case of complications or allergies, cease medication immediately, and revert to former healthy self before medication was started. Fortunately, you can do that with SVN and software codes, though you can't always do that in real life. :)

Then, reverse-engineer the new medication to see if any part or even all of that medication is incompatible with your custom OFBiz. Yes, that means you will need someone who knows about that type of medication (OFBiz know-how, in this case).

Note that we cannot assume OFBiz rNew is agreeable with your custom OFBiz, just because rOld was agreeable. Your cutom OFBiz could have taken a new diet. Maybe soy products and potato chips would cause incompatibilities with rNew. The OFBiz contributors cannot hope to predict whether your custom OFBiz had ingested any new factors to cause incompatibilities with rNew. Please consult them on a regular basis, to ensure your custom OFBiz develops compatibly with official OFBiz and future medications.

Step 5 "resolve the conflicts" may prove to be extremely difficult if your custom OFBiz had gone through many long years of un-monitored diet modifications. Your OFBiz would've veered terribly off-course in that case. Regular synchronizations with official OFBiz trunk should make that step easily. Visit your doctor for regular check-ups.

Hope that helps. If not, you need a doctor... or, OFBiz developer, rather. :)

This is really in answer to BJ, who seemed to claim that evaluation of new medication in case of incompatibilities isn't possible or necessary(??). I think I misunderstood him again.


Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
Hi Jonathon,

Jonathon -- Improov wrote:

Maybe we could write an eBook on "Keeping Up With Official OFBiz Updates -- Version Control Strategies"? Will that be useful to the OFBiz community.


That would be great: a good starting point could be reviewing/enhancing the existing Wiki documents:




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