Ah well, "undocumented" is probably not the right word given that we all
have the source.  Perhaps "hidden" might be better?  But no, that would
imply the intent to hide something which is surely not the case.  Perhaps

This is all tongue-in-cheek David.  My point is that here is a really cool
feature that went un-noticed by me after looking through all the
documentation and a substantial part of the source code, including the
documentation in the link you provided.  Someone added this feature,
apparently a couple of years ago, but did not take the 5 minutes to note its

It is a simple matter to request that submitters provide at least minimal
documentation for new features that the committers can then include in the
base documentation, especially in the entity and widget and other "engines".

There is no value in any software if the implementer has to spend countless
hours experimenting and digging through source code to implement some new
feature, fun as such an exercise may be.

And who sez that "Documented features are somewhat the exception, not the
norm." in open source software.  I can point you to scads of open source
software with excellent documention, and some of it used by Ofbiz itself
(ftl and tomcat come instantly to mind).

Also, have an overview look at the most successful open soure projects.  All
(that I know of) are very well documented.  The success of any open source
project is determined by its committers and the quality of their code.  The
more committers, the more successful the project becomes.  You get more
committers with good documentation.

This is not so say that Ofbiz documentation is bad.  It's just not as good
(read that complete) as it could be with a few policy changes.


-----Original Message-----
From: David E Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 1:07 PM
To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
Subject: Re: Entity engine, "many" relations, foreign keys

On Dec 4, 2007, at 1:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Gads Adrian.  I never knew of the existence of this tag.  Thanks.
> It is
> perfect.  Someone needs to document it in the entity engine guide or
> at
> least somewhere prominent.  I just did a search for this tag and found
> dozens of uses, but somehow, I missed it even though I looked at
> OrderHeader's definition a gazillion times.
> Are there any other cool undocumented DB features?

Undocumented features? You're funny. ;)

This isn't commercial closed source software where the only way you
can find out about a feature is through documentation. Documented
features are somewhat the exception, not the norm.

Of course, there are significantly more complete materials available,
like these:



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