your mean is two instances? If yes and your MyWebApplication is use the
ofbiz add this in your ofbiz-component.xml:

for tables:
  <entity-resource type="model" reader-name="main" loader="main"
    <entity-resource type="group" reader-name="main" loader="main"

for the data:
 <entity-resource type="data" reader-name="demo" loader="main"

then it will be done when you run the ant run-install

if they are the same instance you just change the entitygroup and point the
different group to different database, it should be work.

2007/12/9, Brendan Vogt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I am using Postgres database for my OFBiz apps.  But I want to run 2
> different apps.  I want my web application to be one, and and ofbiz to be
> the other.  The ofbiz I want to use to test and play around.  I am using
> the
> ofbiz database created with username and password of ofbiz.  So I created
> another Postgres database called MyWebAppDB (it's not the real name).  I
> just want to know where I need to make changes so that this MyWebAppDB
> database can be populated with tables and data when I do a ant
> run-install.
> Brendan

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