there is a service retryFailedAuthNsfs
it is automatically run every day.
needsNsfRetry is set in the OrderPaymentPreference

look in

Dave Tenerowicz sent the following on 2/12/2008 10:28 AM:
> In order to test default functionality when a credit card payment on an
> order is declined, we changed the settings in Product Store, Payments
> tab for Payment Auth service to alwaysDeclineCCProcessor.
> Then we tested by creating an order and submitting a CC# as a payment
> method. Of course the CC was declined, and the Order status was set to
> ORDER_REJECTED, OrderITemStatus was also set to rejected. Since there is
> no valid status change allowed from ORDER_REJECTED to anything else,
> there appears to be no way to take the existing order, assign a new
> paymentMethodId and reattempt authorization with a different credit
> card. Is this true?
> To remedy this, we could add an entry to StatusValidChange that allows a
> movement from ORDER_REJECTED back to ORDER_APPROVED, modify secas.xml
> and theoretically that should allow the user to select an alternate
> payment method from the Order Detail screen and reprocess payment.
> Is this the best way to handle this? The requirement is to allow an
> order taker to switch to a different credit card if the first one is
> declined - without having to completely re-enter the order.
> If anyone has encountered this before, or has a suggestion about an
> approach, that would be most welcome. Thanks

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