That is the best way to simulate a decline in development.

As for keeping an order when a card is declined I think you'll have to make code changes. The default behavior is to reject the original order and create a new one. In ecommerce and the order mgr the cart retains all information, plus ID of the original rejected order. Then the user can try again.


On Feb 13, 2008, at 1:16 PM, Dave Tenerowicz wrote:

Sorry guys, I found that I can avoid this problem by changing the Product Store settings for Header and Item Declined to "APPROVED". With this setting, it is possible to save the order and enter a different payment method, and then to get an authorization which Approves the order. So far, so good.

However, once we attempt to Quick Ship this order (which had a payment declined, but now the payment with a new CC is authorized), we are unable to create the shipment (message something like : Shipment not created, no items to ship)

I have traced this out, and when an OPP is declined a OrderItemShipGrpInvRes entry is not created. As a result when the Quick Ship button is used, the once declined, but now approved order generates an error because (I think) there is no entry in this table.

Can anyone tell me how we can simulate credit card declines without breaking the quick ship functionality? Is changing the Product Store Payment setup for Payment Auth Service from "alwaysApproveCCProcessor" to "alwaysDeclineCCProcessor" the best/ only way to simulate a cc decline?

I appreciate any advice on how to test declines

BJ Freeman wrote:
By using SECAS you can check for the fields that are passed.
if the cc provider provides the CVV code it can be check and then the
same service that is called by the reject code can be called by the SECAS.

here is an example:
here is how a rule looks in ofbiz
        <eca service="createPaymentFromPreference" event="return" >
<condition field-name="gatewayAvsResult" operator="equals" value="XXU"/>
                        <set field-name="statusId" value="ORDER_FraudCheck"/>
          <action service="ChangeStatus" mode="async"/>

Your second suggestion can be done, but also takes more consideration as
to how to Flag that type of operation, or just hard code it.

Raj Saini sent the following on 2/12/2008 10:14 PM:

If I am getting it correctly, it is possible to have store setting
(something like nsfRetry) that not to retry the CC. If CC is declined, customer will be sent back to the payment page again where customer can
enter the new credit card detail. He/she does not need to renter the
order. This is how it is working for me.

Alternatively, you can send a mail on order rejection to customer and
asking them to add/modify the credit card. On next CC retry new card
should be used. Though, I am not sure how it can work with CVV.


BJ Freeman wrote:

maybe a way to approach this is to allow a parm that can be set for the store so the process is changed if the card is declined and send the
customer back so they can enter a new CC.

Dave Tenerowicz sent the following on 2/12/2008 12:21 PM:

Sorry, perhaps I was not clear. The issue is not retrying the same CC,
it is using a new CC to pay for the order

The scenario is that the card is declined and will never be authorized. The Customer wants to place the order and the order taker simply wants to use a DIFFERENT credit card number to pay for the order. As things function out of the box, the only recourse for the user is to re- enter the order (again) and associate it with a different payment method (CC or other). This is what we need to avoid - it is too cumbersome for the

Thanks for any suggestions


BJ Freeman wrote:

there is a service retryFailedAuthNsfs
it is automatically run every day.

needsNsfRetry is set in the OrderPaymentPreference

look in

Dave Tenerowicz sent the following on 2/12/2008 10:28 AM:

In order to test default functionality when a credit card payment
on an
order is declined, we changed the settings in Product Store, Payments
tab for Payment Auth service to alwaysDeclineCCProcessor.

Then we tested by creating an order and submitting a CC# as a payment method. Of course the CC was declined, and the Order status was set to
ORDER_REJECTED, OrderITemStatus was also set to rejected. Since
there is
no valid status change allowed from ORDER_REJECTED to anything else, there appears to be no way to take the existing order, assign a new paymentMethodId and reattempt authorization with a different credit
card. Is this true?

To remedy this, we could add an entry to StatusValidChange that
allows a
movement from ORDER_REJECTED back to ORDER_APPROVED, modify secas.xml and theoretically that should allow the user to select an alternate payment method from the Order Detail screen and reprocess payment.

Is this the best way to handle this? The requirement is to allow an order taker to switch to a different credit card if the first one is
declined - without having to completely re-enter the order.

If anyone has encountered this before, or has a suggestion about an
approach, that would be most welcome. Thanks

Dave Tenerowicz

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