if I understand you question, not all security permission are added
automatically, otherwise there would be no reason to have a granulated
permission scheme.
for how they are connected refer to
if you look at
and search for security you will see all the artifacts that are used.
Should give you a better idea on how they are implemented.

JohnBrown sent the following on 5/1/2008 10:44 AM:
> HI Guys,
> I have a question. Is there a particular reason why the permission which is
> added manually ( i.e. not selected from the permissions list) on Security->
> permission tab is NOT get saved to SecurityPermission entity where all the
> permissions are stored? It appears that manually added permission just
> stored in SecurityGroupPermission to make a mapping to group, but not to
> SecurityPermission. While normally it would require foreign key constraint
> SecurityGroupPermission - > SecurityPermission on permissionId field?
> Please, let me know. Thanks.

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