On Jul 9, 2008, at 8:37 PM, brijesh m wrote:

Hi Santosh,
thanks for your concern. I have tried the way you have suggested but the things are not crystal clear to me. I am sure you have noticed that if you remove all the "meter readings" from the maintenance for the corresponding fixed asset it gives the following error:
    The Following Errors Occurred:
ERROR: Could not complete the Service to calculate the yearly depreciation from dateAcquired year to current financial year [file:/demo/deployments/demo.hotwaxmedia.com/applications/accounting/ script/org/ofbiz/accounting/fixedasset/ FixedAssetServices.xml#calculateFixedAssetDepreciation] process [problem invoking the [straightLineDepreciation] service with the map named [serviceInMap] containing [[fixedAssetId=DEMO_PROD_EQUIPMT_1, expEndOfLifeYear=2012, assetAcquiredYear=2008, purchaseCost=1000.0, salvageValue=50.0, usageYears=0, userLogin=[GenericEntity:UserLogin][createdStamp, 2008-07-09 03:09:02.524(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp, 2008-07-09 03:09:02.336(java.sql.Timestamp)][currentPassword, 47ca69ebb4bdc9ae0adec130880165d2cc05db1a(java.lang.String)] [disabledDateTime,null()][enabled,Y(java.lang.String)] [hasLoggedOut,N(java.lang.String)][isSystem,null()] [lastCurrencyUom,null()][lastLocale,null()][lastTimeZone,null()] [lastUpdatedStamp,2008-07-09 08:00:32.316(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2008-07-09 08:00:32.316(java.sql.Timestamp)][partyId,admin(java.lang.String)] [passwordHint,null()][requirePasswordChange,null()] [successiveFailedLogins,0(java.lang.Long)][userLdapDn,null()] [userLoginId,admin(java.lang.String)], locale=en_US]]: The following required parameter is missing: [OUT] [straightLineDepreciation.assetDepreciationTillDate]The following required parameter is missing: [OUT] [straightLineDepreciation.assetNBVAfterDepreciation]].

Traversing to -> applications/accounting/script/org/ofbiz/accounting/ fixedasset/FixedAssetServices.xml#calculateFixedAssetDepreciation

here some things are not clear:
1. whats the method used for depreciation calculation, appears
   to me that they have used "Straight-line depreciation" but
   then whats the use of maintenance and meter readings as
   inputs to calculate the depreciation as it only requires
   salvage value, purchase cost and usage years as inputs.
   refer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depreciation#Declining-

You are correct, we don't need to use of maintenance and meter readings. for this method.

2. why in this above error  usageYears=0 as I have mentioned
   asset acquired date  and expected and actual end date for
   the asset ?

Here the usageYears = currentYear - assetAcquiredYear.
And here assetAcquiredYear = currentYear  = 2008.

3. Also in \applications\accounting\script\org\ofbiz
   \accounting\fixedasset\FixedAssetServices.xml I can see that
   "doubleDecliningBalanceDepreciation" is also mentioned, so
    is it also used as a depreciation method ?

There are several methods of allocating depreciation over the useful life of the assets. Those most commonly employed in industrial and commercial enterprises are the straightline method and the reducing balance method. The management of a business selects the most appropriate method(s) based on various important factors e.g.,
(i) type of asset,
(ii) the nature  of  the  use  of  such  asset  and
(iii)  circumstances  prevailing  in  the business.

for doubleDecliningBalanceDepreciation you can find the example asset in the demo data. A combination of more than one method is sometimes used. You can find more examples at :-


Currently we have implemented the two commonly used methods and we will implement more in future. Which uses the meter reading (case of truck whose life is 1000000 Miles, so in this case the depreciation will calculate based on current meter reading.)

kindly enlighten me on the above queries.

Brijesh M.

santoh malviya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello Brijesh,
After choosing fixedAssedtId,say DEMO_PROD_EQUIPMT_1 or DEMO_PROD_EQUIPMT_2 , you have to update fields of the fixedAsset and then will have to go to "maintenance" sub tab and have to create new maintenance then go to "meter readings" sub tab of the maintenance and add meter reading for the fixed
asset and then go to "depreciation" tab and you will get report.

Santosh malviya

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 5:00 PM, brijesh m

Hi friends,
can someone please suggest how this "Fixed Asset Depreciation Report" is
coming. I have tried it on Demo server as:

On demo server i.e.:


go to
Fixed Assets -> in find opt for DEMO_PROD_EQUIPMT_1 -> then traverse to its depreciation sub tab to access its "Fixed Asset Depreciation Report". How this report is generated as I won't be able to track any calculating method apart from the Salvage Value for this fixed asset which is 50 but still
can't comply with this  Fixed Asset Depreciation Report values.

Brijesh M.

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