if you think about it.
having one big file instead of one big, one medium, one small
is less server space.
yes there is bandwidth to consider but most big files for fast download
are not more the 75K, if they are then they are broken up on small files.
People who assume that everyone has a high speed internet connection
have the wrong assumption and should always design for the slowest

however to go with your idea
then add a size box at each size on the page, I specified, stuff it into
context and let the upload module do the resizing.

Bruno Busco sent the following on 7/27/2008 2:50 PM:
> BJ, the CSS resize is something that is performed in the web browser; the
> image file is downloaded as it is saved in the server and then locally
> resized according to the css specified dimensions.
> Having only a large file stored in the server is very band consuming when,
> for example, many images are displayed as thumbnails in one page.
> On the other hand, having only a low resolution (light) file is bad when you
> want a single large image in one page to show details.
> This is why normally several formats of the same image are stored in the
> server.
> The way ofbiz handles the small, medium, large and detailed images could let
> to have also completely different images but I do not now I often this
> feature is used.
> I think that having a mechanism that when the detailed (high resolution)
> image is uploaded automatically generates all other small, medium and large
> would be very useful.
> In some systems I have seen a derived image is generated the first time it
> is requested by a client.
> 2008/7/27 BJ Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> The would be handled by assigning a class type to the image and put in
>> the CSS.
>> I believe that is done now, if not then it would be a nice addition. you
>> would specify the same image path for all
>> https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/catalog/control/EditProductContent?productId=dropShip1
>> then change
>> applications/order/webapp/ordermgr/entry/catalog/ *.ftl's that show
>> images like
>> productdetail.ftl
>> to put the classes for image sizing you put in the
>> framework/images/webapp/images/ecommain.css
>> Bruno Busco sent the following on 7/27/2008 8:38 AM:
>>> Hi,
>>> does anybody know if there is some mechanism to have a sort of control on
>>> uploaded image sizes?
>>> I mean, l would like that when I upload a new image for a product ofbiz
>>> automatically generates the small, medium, large and detailed images
>> scaling
>>> the uploaded image with a fixed dimension regardless of the original one.
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Bruno

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