Sorry it did not do it. --Jacek

<field name="bodyText"><textarea default-value="${name}, \n\r Thank you for ordering Birthday Party Event. This is to confirm that we received your order ${orderId} for the workshop ${productName}.
           The show start on ${eventDate} at ${eventTime}.
Please give yourself 15 minutes before the beginning of the workshop.
           Thank you for your order.
           Sincerely, LHS"/></field>

BJ Freeman wrote:
are you following the standard format for generating emails?
if so you can define and html and use html code for a break.
however if you looking for manual way to input in to a text area then
use the unix convention of \n (linefeed) then \r is a carriage return
and will give you a double linefeed.

Jacek Wagner sent the following on 12/17/2008 11:06 AM:

I am sending email confirmation without attachment. I would like to
format bodytext using textarea.default-value.
Is it any way add line feed character into bodyText text?

example instead of having
Mr Brown, thank you for your order ...
Mr Brown,
thank you for your order


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