From: "David E Jones" <>

On Jan 23, 2009, at 3:06 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Yes, I agree. I think I will definitively put some effort on this side (WebPos I mean). This for this reason and the others being that XUI is no longer supported and we have issues with it. So it's not yet sure but I'm more an more thinking that the POS component will be legacy on day ...

I doubt the current POS will ever be "legacy" or be abandoned, although it depends on how many choose to use it.

Typically organizations want easier deployment, so a web-based application is great for them.

In some cases things are very "mission critical", like getting money from customers in physical retail locations. In those cases redundancy and minimizing single points of failure is important. If the internet goes down or even the network in the store, they want each cash register to be able to run independently. For all but the smallest retailers that's a mandatory requirement.

They could use the same mechanims with WebPos isn'it (a local DB synchronized) ?



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