Hi Roel,
give a look here http://docs.ofbiz.org/display/OFBIZ/Mini-Language+Guide


2009/2/16 Roel Veldhuizen <roelveldhui...@gmail.com>:
> Is there some documentation available on minilang?  The book ( Apache
> ofbiz development ) doesn't describe all tags and attributes.
> 2009/2/15 BJ Freeman <bjf...@free-man.net>:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> I assume you are using a recent SVN revision.
>> The services and mini code in ofbiz allows re-use.
>> it would be best if you went through the code in ofbiz and became
>> familiar, before writing any code.
>> You ask if you can do multiple contact mechs.
>> this usually means for one party and the example was how to do mutiple
>> contact mechs for a single party that has a role of employee.
>> The code in createUser which is called from createEmployee has the
>> contact Mechs like
>>  <!-- Create the Home Phone -->
>> Roel Veldhuizen sent the following on 2/15/2009 3:56 AM:
>>> Thanks for your anwer but I don't understand the code ;-)
>>> What does it do? I think it creates an employee login. And more
>>> important in order to awnser my question could this code handle
>>> multiple logins at once?
>>>     <simple-method method-name="createEmployee"
>>> short-description="Create Employee" login-required="false">
>>>         <set field="require_email" value="false" />
>>>         <set field="require_phone" value="true" />
>>>         <set field="require_login" value="true" />
>>>         <set field="create_allow_password" value="true" />
>>>         <property-to-field resource="security"
>>> property="username.lowercase" default="false"
>>> field="username_lowercase"/>
>>>         <property-to-field resource="security"
>>> property="password.lowercase" default="false"
>>> field="password_lowercase"/>
>>>         <now-timestamp field="nowStamp"/>
>>>         <set field="parameters.roleTypeId" value="EMPLOYEE" />
>>>         <call-simple-method method-name="createUser"/>
>>>     </simple-method>
>>> 2009/2/14 BJ Freeman <bjf...@free-man.net>:
>>> look at CreateEmployee
>>> applications\party\script\org\ofbiz\party\user\UserEvents.xml
>>> Roel Veldhuizen sent the following on 2/14/2009 7:34 AM:
>>>>>> When I add a person I also want to add multiple contactMech's. Is it
>>>>>> possible to add multiple contactMechs in one service? Or should I
>>>>>> build javacode to handle this?
>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>> Roel Veldhuizen
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