Having 2GB of RAM is actually excessive for smaller deployments (ie if you don't have a lot of traffic/users/etc).

A pretty safe minimum is about 512MB, and that takes into account the OS overhead (usually around 1/3 of memory).


On May 12, 2009, at 4:08 PM, BJ Freeman wrote:

dedicated hosting can be had for 80-$100.
if they will put unbuntu or centos 5 on the server you are ready
just did both.
Just use SVN commands to install ofbiz.
you can compile and run in less than 15 min OOTB.
if plan running a desktop as well as ofbiz suggest atleast 2gigs of memory.
also you can get support for a higher price if you just want to be a
user, and let them do all the work. Contegix, that host the ofbiz demo
servers, is one such host.

vizu'a pipo sent the following on 5/12/2009 9:16 AM:

I have been exploring ofbiz am in the process of deciding whether to deploy it or not. I intend to setup two stores. I got a few questions regarding
ofbiz setup and hosting
1. I was wondering if there are any indications (document or experienced usage) on what the hosting requirements would be for such a small project,
e.g. Size of MySql DB, hosting space?
2. When deciding a hosting service, do I need them to provide tomcat or the tomcat that comes with ofbiz is sufficient or do I just need hosting space
and java?
3. I guess what am asking is, what should be looking out for in a hosting
service to enable me run ofbiz?


BJ Freeman
Systems Integrator.

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